If you are looking for a unique recreational destination, a place where you can get away from the busyness of your daily life and experience nature and the beauty of nature, the Brookline area of Massachusetts may be just the place for you.
The renowned Brooks Woods is a ten minute bike ride from Boston, a three-minute bike ride from Cambridge, and a five minute ride from Waltham. With mountains in the Brookline region, and several national parks, the trails are perfect for avid cyclists and visitors.
The following description should give you an idea of what you can expect in a biking experience. There are numerous trailheads, and you will want to take your bicycle to at least one of them in order to access the entire trail system. First up is Beacon Street.
You will start your cycling adventure on Geary Road. This is the more popular trailhead, and it connects to Backbone Loop at the top of the valley. The trail may be rough, but it is wide and the grade is moderate. You will experience pretty picturesque views of the The Sanctuary Boardwalk.
You can take a straight shot to the top of the valley, or you can take the valley down a little. If you decide to take the route to the top, you will probably encounter some rocks by Hancock Woods.
Hiking trails in the area are particularly popular, with hikers to the top of all the peaks. It is recommended that you plan your hiking trip around this trail system. If you are hiking a long distance, there is often room for stopping at the state park for the evening and a hot beverage.
Brookline is a wonderful place to get away from the world. You will find that there are always mountain bikers on the trails. It is great to be out on the trails for some fresh air and some much needed exercise. Want to join a group? Consider the meetup Brookline Road Cycling Group.
If you are looking for a nice local recreation area to visit, you should consider a weekend outing in Brookline. It is a great place to enjoy all the joys of a bike ride without the stress of traffic. Beacon St, Harvard St, Washington St, Carlton Streets, and Longwood Avenue are major intersections for traffic and cyclists alike. Keep your heads up for max bike safety.